Program Book Invitation and Advertising Rates
2025 Advertising opens on June 6, 2025! Not Before!
DEADLINE (very firm) is Friday, July 25!
Advertising will be accepted starting Friday, June 6, 2025!
The Bubonicon 56 program book features cover art by John Sumrow, with back cover art from ???
Some Cool People, and others will provide written introductions on our Special Guests and a new Perry Rodent story. We also have interior art by many NM and CO artists (including Jeff Benham)…
Our theme for 2025 is “TBD” so we are especially looking for tales and artwork that involve Terry and/or Perri Rodent mixing it up with the B56 theme! We also hope to have some early convention memories from one of our long-time local fans.
Other Bubonicon memories and rat-themed articles/stories are welcome! Along with Perry Rodent-influenced filler artwork.
We will print approximately 760 copies of the program book, photocopied with black ink only (yes, old-school B&W). The editor uses MS Publisher 2010, but also accepts jpg and tif files when they are saved at the final image size in the book (we have had technical difficulties with PDF files in the past – so JPG is required). Camera-ready hardcopies for scanning accepted, too. Typesetting available – inquire about any additional charges.
The deadline is Friday, July 25, 2025.
Make all payments to “Bubonicon Inc” and send to Bubonicon, Attn: Program Book, 933 San Mateo Blvd NE, Suite 500-208, Albuquerque, NM 87108 – by 8/8/23. [Checks/money orders only – US Drawn funds. Sorry we are not set up for PayPal or credit cards for advertising.]
- DEADLINE IS July 25, 2025…
- Full Page: 6 1/4″ wide x 7 1/2″ deep, $150.00 total.
- Half Page: 6 1/4″ wide x 3 3/4″ deep, $92.00 total.
- Ask about rates for fannish organizations and local friends of Bubonicon.
Contact editor Craig Chrissinger by email, at (505) 266-8905, or through the official convention address (Bubonicon, Attn: Program Book, 933 San Mateo NE, Ste 500-208, Albuquerque, NM 87108).