“Machete” @ Guild Cinema

…violent, dark, funny, sexy. Great stuff.” – Richard Roeper, Richard Roeper.com View Trailer The Guild Cinema is located at 3450 Central Avenue NE, in the Nob Hill area. Website: GuildCinema.com

Darynda Jones & Katie Lane signing

…presence in the boardroom and the bedroom, Deacon Beaumont has come to save the failing company French Kiss. He was born to be boss in this glamorous new world of…

“Colossal” @ Guild Cinema

…to leave her life in New York and move back to her hometown. When news reports surface that a giant creature is destroying Seoul, South Korea, Gloria gradually comes to…

“Re-Animator” Visits Guild Cinema

…All Seats $10.00. Local psychotronic webcast crazies AndroidVision and graphic wizes Spectral Youth bring back a golden 80s horror comedy gem! “Calling RE-ANIMATOR a crucial gore movie is like saying…

MST3K LIVE @ Popejoy Hall

Mystery Science Theater 3000 Live: The Great Cheesy Movie Circus Tour stops at Popejoy Hall Fri, February 14! The hilarious Peabody Award-winning hit TV comedy is coming to Albuquerque with…

“They Remain” @ Guild Cinema

…scientists investigating the root of environmental changes and strange animal behavior at a remote site where a Manson Family-style cult committed atrocities. The isolated location, the unraveling of their relationship,…

“Everything Everywhere” Jan-Feb Encores

…to be seen some time, and somewhere.” – Brian Lowry, CNN.com View Trailer The Guild Cinema is located at 3405 Central Ave NE in the Nob Hill area. Website: GuildCinema.com

Sci-Fi “Prospect” @ Guild Cinema

…RogerEbert.com “It is a visually dazzling and thrilling adventure of a movie, and one which could be just the beginnings of an elusive career for its directors Christopher Caldwell and

RiffTrax Holiday Special Double Feature

…Theater 3000, completely re-worked by RiffTrax for the 2013 broadcast. Santa Claus Conquers the Martians tells the story of an evil Martian who comes to earth to capture Santa Claus…

Droids & Dragons Book Group (Virtual)

…people per table), or it could be at Jason’s Deli – details to come: Monday, September 21, 2020, at 7:30 pm Location MIGHT BE Jason’s Deli, 2105 Louisiana Blvd NE…

“Everything Everywhere” Labor Day Encores!

…to be seen some time, and somewhere.” – Brian Lowry, CNN.com View Trailer The Guild Cinema is located at 3405 Central Ave NE in the Nob Hill area. Website: GuildCinema.com

“Time Bandits” Sail Into Guild Cinema

…gone awry. “Rife with visual, physical and thematic exaggerations that stretch the boundaries of cinematic conventions to form a crazed comedic concoction.” – Jordan M. Smith, IONCINEMA.com “It’s a strange…

“Omni Loop” at Guild Cinema

…a new way.” – Brian Tallerico, RogerEbert.com “Simultaneously ripping and repairing the proverbial heartstrings, Britto’s sci-fi drama is truly life-affirming.” -Dex Wesley Parra, Austin Chronicle View Trailer The Guild Cinema…

RiffTrax Live: Hobgoblins

…will turn this wretched chunk of cheese into comedy gold! Again, this special presentation takes place in Albuquerque at the Regal Winrock, Century Rio, and Century Downtown theaters. Website: fathomevents.com/events/RiffTrax-Hobgoblins…

Marx Brothers @ Guild Cinema

…ON NEW YEAR’S DAY! A DAY AT THE RACES: The Marx Brothers at their commercial and popular peak, working with a top Hollywood director (Sam Wood of The Pride of…

“Close Encounters” of the Guild Cinema

…challenged me, provoked me and enlightened me.” – Richard Propes, TheIndependentCritic.com View Trailer The Guild Cinema is located at 3405 Central Ave NE in the Nob Hill area. Website: GuildCinema.com

ACE 3 Finishes Up

ACE 3 Finishes Three Days of Comic & Media Fun! The 3rd Albuq Comic Expo starts its three-day run at the Albuquerque Convention Center, downtown. Guests such as Giancarlo Esposito,…

ABQ Graphic Novel Book Club

…NM The October 2018 graphic novel for discussion is Making Comics: Storytelling Secrets of Comics, Manga, and Graphic Novels by Scott McCloud (author/artist) [William Morrow Paperbacks 2006]. WE ARE OPEN…

“Everything Everywhere” @ Guild Cinema

…to be seen some time, and somewhere.” – Brian Lowry, CNN.com View Trailer The Guild Cinema is located at 3405 Central Ave NE in the Nob Hill area. Website: GuildCinema.com

RiffTrax Repeats Time Chasers

…by David Giancola – 1994. 2016 Riffing/Commentary provided by Michael J. Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett – approximately 120m. The stars of Mystery Science Theater 3000 are back in…

“Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2” Guts Guild Cinema

…as pitch and every bit as violent as naysayers mistakenly accused the first film of being.” – Dustin Putman, TheFilmFile.com “Works because it’s a complete original. You never know from…

Adventures in Babysitting @ Guild

…special presentation! All seats $8.00. BONUS! Door Prizes courtesy of Bubonicon 51! ADVANCE TICKETS AVAILABLE BY CLICKING HERE! “One very unique and entertaining comedy that has yet to be duplicated.”…