M31 Hallas Galaxy

Sci-Fi & Fantasy Fan Clubs in New Mexico

Interested in science fiction? So are we. Please join us at one New Mexico’s local Sci-Fi / Fantasy fan clubs!

Read below for full details on each of the clubs. Here is the current list of fan clubs:

  • 7000 BC.
  • Albuquerque Browncoats
  • Alpha Centura,
  • Dewback Ridge Garrison (501st Legion)
  • Doctor Who Albuquerque
  • ISS Tomahawk
  • The Royal Manticoran Navy

Everyone is welcome, so attend a meeting today!

Want your New Mexico Sci-Fi / Fantasy club added to the list? Need to update your club’s meeting information? Have Science Fiction or Fantasy news for the Albuquerque and Santa Fe area (author signings, events, etc.)? Contact the webmaster.

7000 BC (Sweet 7000’s Baaadassss Comics)

7000 BC Logo7000BC is a Northern New Mexico-based organization providing opportunities for comics writers and artists to develop their personal styles and storytelling “voices,” while promoting an understanding of the cultural significance of comic art through seminars and workshops. Members are independent self-publishers who create and produce their own comics, working in a variety of genres and media. The group’s main purposes are outreach, marketing, and collaboration. New members are always welcome. Meets 1st or 2nd Sunday of every month, alternating between Albuquerque and Santa Fe. See website or email for times and locations.

Contact 7000 BC at info@7000bc.org
Check out our website:  www.7000bc.org

Albuquerque Browncoats

Albuquerque Browncoats LogoWe’re fans of Joss Whedon’s series Firefly and movie Serenity, having fun raising money for charity and doing what we gorram well please! We host the “Can’t Stop The Serenity” charity film screening and shindig each July (1st Saturday after July 4th). All proceeds benefit our great charities Equality Now and UNM Children’s Hospital.

Check with the Albuquerque Browncoats Facebook Page and subscribe to their Facebook Events for meeting and event details.

Please contact albuquerquebrowncoats@gmail.com for more information.

Alpha Centaura

Started in 1976, this club features guest speakers, watching classically good (or heckling bad) SF movies, reviewing books, movies and TV shows, AFFUN (a role-playing of an interstellar UN that pre-dates Babylon 5 by many years) and general socializing. Soft drinks available at a discount in every meeting. Snacks and guests welcome. Meetings for now are being held at various locations. Contact Duke or Mary, or check out Alpha’s very own website at www.sfalpha.150m.com for meeting locations and additional information.

Meets: 1st Friday of every month  7:00 p.m.
Meetings held at different locations each month. For more information, contact Duke or Mary (below), or visit the Alpha Centura website.

Contact Duke at his e-mail address or at 255-4642.
Mary (Club President) can be reached via her e-mail address.

Dewback Ridge Garrison – 501st Legion

Dewback Ridge Garrison of the 501st LegionAs part of the 501st Legion volunteer costuming and fundraising organization, this group serves, protects and defends New Mexico for the Empire.  We make positive differences throughout the state through a strong Imperial presence and being active in our communities.

Our dedication to children’s needs is reflected in visits to the University of New Mexico Children’s Hospital several times a year, our annual participation in the Children’s miracle network radio-a-thon fundraiser, St. Baldrick’s fundraiser for children with cancer, Kids with Cancer Day at the Rio Grande Zoo, and multiple holiday toy drives to benefit Toys for Tots.  In addition, we’ve participated in many “walks” to benefit Multiple Sclerosis, Breast Cancer, Cystic Fibrosis, and Prostate Cancer, plus the annual UNM Relay for Life. Of course, we also have invested time in getting to know people in the community including Free Comic Book Day, Star Wars in Concert, Weird Al Concert, and our signature event, supporting the Darth Vader Balloon at the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta.

We are always looking for new recruits! Have you ever wanted to be an Imperial Stormtrooper? Maybe a Tusken Raider or Bounty Hunter? Or maybe a new-fangled Clone Trooper! The only requirements for membership are 1) Be at least 18 years old, 2) Own a movie quality Star Wars Imperial Costume and 3) Wear it at a Legion sanctioned event at least one a year.

For more information on the Dewback Ridge Garrison in New Mexico and the 501st Legion Star Wars Imperial Costuming Group, please go to:
dewbackridge.com and  www.501st.com
or contact us at GCO@Dewbackridge.com.

The 501st Legion is a worldwide Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it is Lucasfilm’s preferred Imperial costuming group. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. ©2011 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ™ All rights reserved. Used under authorization.

Doctor Who Albuquerque

Doctor Who Albuquerque is a group which discusses Doctor Who! (And just about everything else too.) All are welcome to join us!

When: First Thursday of the Month  7:30 PM
Where: Route 66 Diner,  Between University and I-25 on Central & Sycamore NE
Please contact me: catsgoleor[a]yahoo dot com for more info

Websites:  www.thedoctorsshadow.net
DW, ABQ Wiki: http://boim.com/wiki/index.php?title=Dr._Who%2C_ABQ
Forum: http://whovian.us/drupal/?q=forum/5

ISS Tomohawk

The ISS Tomahawk is a Starfleet International meeting chapter that has a monthly crew meeting on the last Sunday of every month. Our meetings are usually held at a local restaurant, recreational facility, or maybe even an outdoor function. We discuss a little crew business, then typically enjoy some kind of fun activity.

Our events are open to anybody interested in joining us, including members of other chapters, friends and family of members, visitors from other worlds, whoever. It’s all about having fun and making new friends

Many of us also enjoy going to a Sci-Fi convention whenever we can. A couple of the most common conventions that we attend are the Denver Starfest and the Albuquerque Bubonicon.

We also get involved in community service to help make the world a better place.

The ISS Tomahawk is a chapter of Starfleet International, a Star Trek fan organization.

The Royal Manticoran Navy
(The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association)

Welcome to The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association. We are here to celebrate the work of David Weber and the universe he has created in his Honor Harrington books. Our hierarchy structure is set up based on what is in the books. We have gone to great lengths to make sure we are as true to the books as possible, using the books, and input from David Weber and Ad Astra as our guide. We want you to have a positive fandom experience, so please explore our website and if you like what you see, feel free to join us. All we ask is that you remember one thing; no matter what you do, Do It With Honor!

Below are links to the New Mexico Facebook Group pages. Check us out!

HMS Anasazi (Albuquerque)

HMS Avalon (Santa Fe/Los Alamos)

New Mexico Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention