Yakuza Apocalypse @ Guild Cinema

Event Details

This event finished on 30 April 2016

Yakuza Apocalypse at the Guild Cinema
Friday & Saturday, April 29-30 – 10:30 pm only!

Directed by Takashi Miike – 2015, 115m.  In Japanese with English subtitles.
An Alibi Midnight Madness Presentation – All seats $8.00
Door Prizes courtesy of Lobo Anime & Comics!

A cinematic whirlwind that represents director Takashi Miike at his most delightfully unhinged!

In this film, fearsome Yakuza boss Kamiura is also a bloodsucking vampire. One day, men arrive from a competing clan and deliver him an ultimatum: Play nice or die. Kamiura refuses and, during a fierce battle, is torn limb from limb. With his dying breath, he passes on his vampire powers to his loyal lieutenant, Kageyama. His first order of business is to avenge his mentor, setting him on a collision course with the seemingly unstoppable foreign syndicate, and take his place as the new Yakuza boss.

“The kind of free-for-all only Miike could stage-pitting not merely different characters, but different genres and tones against each other, until the world cracks in two under the weight.” – Ignatiy Vishnevetsky, AV Club

“Memorably bizarre” – Noel Murray, Los Angeles Times

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The Guild Cinema is located at 3405 Central Avenue NE, in the Nob Hill area.

Website: GuildCinema.com