“Wrinkles the Clown” @ Guild Cinema

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Wrinkles the Clown at the Guild Cinema
Friday, November 15 – 10:30 pm only

Directed by Michael Beach Nichols – 2019 – 78m – Special Presentation: No Matinees – No Matinees

BONUS!  Introduction by Benjamin Radford, author of Bad Clowns, who appears in the film!

“Wrinkles the Clown is more Banksy than Bozo.” – Josh Goller, Spectrum Culture

In late 2014, a low-res video of a person in a clown mask emerging from underneath a sleeping child’s bed appears on YouTube. The description below the video claims that the clown is named “Wrinkles,” that he lives in southwest Florida, and that he’s been hired by the child’s parents to frighten her for misbehaving. The video goes viral. Soon, more mysterious videos of Wrinkles scaring children appear online, along with a phone number to hire him for “behavioral services.” Wrinkles becomes internet lore – a whole genre of YouTube videos of kids filming themselves calling him appears online, and over a million messages are left at the number. Voicemails range from disturbing to hilarious to terrifying: parents use the number to terrify their children, kids who are obsessive fans of creepy clowns reach out to make a new friend, children threaten to inflict wildly creative violence if he comes anywhere near them. But who is Wrinkles, and why is he doing this? With incredible access to the mastermind behind the mask, Wrinkles the Clown is a cryptic and playful exploration of these questions, as well as an inside look at myth-building and the unpredictable spread of imagination in the Internet age.

“Comedic elements [are] key to the film, which soon delivers a twis that casts its entire portrait in a different light, causing viewers to reassess not only what they’ve just seen, but also their assumptions about cinematic and internet truth circa 2019.” – Nick Schager, The Daily Beast

“Nichols knew how to hold my attention, Wrinkles the Clown a celebration of petrifying delights that had my guts twisted into unbreakable knots.” – Sara Michelle Fetters, MovieFreak.com

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The Guild Cinema is located at 3405 Central Avenue NE, in the Nob Hill area.

Website: GuildCinema.com