Willis & Snodgrass talk/signing

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Connie Willis & Melinda Snodgrass hold discussion & sign books at Page One at a Special Time (5:30 pm)

Science Fiction authors – and Bubonicon participants – Connie Willis and Melinda Snodgrass will talk about science fiction in general, and their latest published books/upcoming releases  Tuesday, 20 at Page One Books.

The most recent publications for Willis are I Met a Traveller In an Antique Land (April 2018), and Crosstalk (October 2016).  Snodgrass’ most recent publications are The Hidden World: Imperials Book 3 (July 2018) and Publish and Perish: Linnet Ellery Book 3 (as Phillipa Bornikova in April 2018).

Please join two of our favorite writers 5:30 pm Tuesday, November 20, at Page One Books, southeast corner of Eubank & Juan Tabo NE (Mountain Run Shopping Center).  The store closes at 7:00 pm, so Willis & Snodgrass will talk/answer questions until 6:25 pm – and then sign books!  Everyone needs to be clear of the bookstore by 7:00 pm (thank you).  www.page1book.com.