Phillipa Bornikova (Snodgrass) signing

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Science Fiction author Phillipa Bornikova (Melinda Snodgrass) will be celebrating the much-delayed release of Publish and Perish: Linnet Ellery Book 3 with a chat and signing Saturday, May 19!

In Bornikova’s 3rd urban fantasy novel, “Linnet Ellery, a young attorney at a prestigious New York vampire law firm has proved she has extraordinary luck―and not just in the courtroom. She has walked unscathed through events that would kill a normal person.  Linnet’s elven ex-boyfriend is trapped in Fairyland, and Linnet will have to lead a raid into Fey to free him―alongside her boss, whom she is falling in love with. But a love affair between a vampire and a human is strictly forbidden, and any violation is punishable by death for both parties.  As events unfold, Linnet determines the source of her mysterious power, and is dismayed to discover that she is the most dangerous person in the world to her vampire and werewolf friends. The more secrets and treachery she uncovers, the more Linnet realizes that a decision must be made: Can she be her true self, without sacrificing everyone she cares about?”

Bornikova/Snodgrass has been the story editor of Star Trek: The Next Generation, a horse trainer, and an oil-company executive. She lives in the southwestern United States, mostly in Santa Fe.  Bornikova, specifically, is the author of The Linnet Ellery Series, including This Case Is Gonna Kill Me and Box Office Poison.

Come join Bornikova/Snodgrass 4:00 pm Saturday, May 19, at Page One Books, 5850 Eubank Blvd NE #B-41 in the Mountain Run Shopping Center (southeast corner of Eubank & Juan Tabo).

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