“Mad God” Returns To Guild Cinema

Event Details

This event finished on 29 September 2022

Mad God – Encores of the 2022 stop-motion animation SF film – at the Guild Cinema
Wednesday-Thursday, September 7 & 8 – 8:45 pm Only
ALSO PLAYING Wednesday-Thursday, September 28 & 29 at the Same Showtime!

Directed by Phil Tippett – 2022 – 83m.

The highly anticipated mad opus feature by legendary stop animation pro & two time Academy Award winner Phil Tippet hurls us into a ruined city being explored by a diving bell birthed assassin on a mysterious mission! Starring Repo Man director Alex Cox!

This fully practical stop-motion film is set in a Miltonesque world of monsters, mad scientists, and war pigs.

In 1987, legendary visual effects and stop-motion craftsman Phil Tippett embarked upon an ambitious personal project, fabricating and animating a darkly surreal world in which the creatures and nightmares of his imagination could roam free.  Phil produced dozens of environments and hundreds of puppets for the project, filling notebook after notebook with thousands of detailed sketches and storyboards.

Decades after the success of Tippett Studio forced production into stasis, a group of animators at Tippett Studio came upon boxes of shelved props and puppets.  After viewing the original footage, they convinced Phil to resurrect the project.  The small group began volunteering their weekends to Mad God, and before long it had snowballed into a crew of more than 60 artists.  A wildly successful KickStarter campaign provided funding for materials and equipment.

Each piece of Mad God is hand crafted, independent and created from the heart.  Sometimes that heart is bursting with love for the craft, while other times it’s macabre, punctured, and bleeding.  Mad God is a mature film crafted from techniques & technologies that span the history of cinema and the career of a true animation mastermind.

“A mad opus from one of American cinema’s liveliest minds.” – The Film Stage

“Phil brings humanity and empathy to every character he creates” – Kathleen Kennedy (President of Lucasfilm)

“Mad God exudes devotion, with every frame carrying decades worth of ideas and craft.” – IndieWire

View Trailer

The Guild Cinema is located at 3405 Central Ave NE in the Nob Hill area.

Website: GuildCinema.com