Intellectual Hooliganism @ UNM

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UNM Hobbit Society presents the 2018 Intellectual Hooliganism Colloquium

The UNM Hobbit Society holds their annual Colloquium on Saturday, March 24, to encourage students to study fantasy, science fiction and pop culture in a scholarly manner, and to share their findings with others.  Presentations must be primarily the work of UNM undergraduate or graduate students, although works by UNM staff, part-time faculty, and alumni will be considered as space permits.

The 2018 Keynote Speaker is author Rivera Sun, whose works include novel The Roots of Resistance.

The 2018 Intellectual Hooliganism Colloquium takes place 12:30-3:30 pm Saturday, March 24, at the UNM Honors College Forum.  The Honors College is located in the Student Health Center building (#73 on a campus map) on the plaza level.  For visitors familiar with the main UNM campus, Honors is north of Johnson Center and east of the Student Union Building.  You can email the Hobbit Society at

For more information, visit
For more information on Rivera Sun, visit