Dr. Crumpler Mars (Virtual) Talk

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Dr. Larry Crumpler Speaks on “Exploring a New World:  The First 200 Days on Mars with Perseverance and Ingenuity” online 4:00 pm September 27!

Please join the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science at 4:00 PM Monday, September 27, for an online virtual presentation by Dr. Larry Crumpler on the “The First 200 Days on Mars with Perseverance and Ingenuity.”

The Perseverance rover just collected the first-ever samples from Mars, to be returned to Earth for further study, and the Ingenuity helicopter is scouting ahead of the rover as they travel toward an ancient delta on Mars.  Join Dr. Crumpler for a look at what it is like to do field geology on Mars with this amazing and historic mission and all of its complexities.

The Museum is proud to be the only museum nationally, other than the Smithsonian Air & Space, to have been involved in both the Spirit/Opportunity and the Perseverance Missions.

Dr. Crumpler is an NMMNHS Research Curator and member of the Perseverance Rover Mission science team. He previously was on the development team for the Ingenuity helicopter, the Mars Exploration Rover (Spirit & Opportunity) science team, Mars Odyssey Gamma Ray Spectrometer science team, and the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter High-Resolution Camera (HiRISE) science team.  On the Perseverance Mission he is responsible for geologic context mapping of the terrain traversed by the rover.

Cost: FREE – But space is limited and you must register…   Register NOW for this online webinar, go to https://nmnaturalhistory.org and click on the webinar title under Upcoming Events or Calendar of Events.

Questions?  Contact jayne.aubele@state.nm.us.

Jayne C. Aubele, Museum Adult Programs Educator/Geologist
New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science