Buster Keaton @ Guild Cinema

Event Details

This event finished on 01 January 2020

Buster Keaton Double Feature at the Guild Cinema for New Year’s!
Tuesday & Wednesday, December 31 & January 1

The Navigator  4:00 & 6:45 pm
Directed by Buster Keaton – 1924 – 65m.

Sherlock Jr  5:30 & 8:15 pm
Directed by Buster Keaton – 1924 – 45m – No Matinees



THE NAVIGATOR:  Rollo (Buster Keaton) decides to marry his sweetheart Betsy and sail to Honolulu. When she rejects him he decides to go alone but boards the wrong ship, the “Navigator” owned by Betsy’s father. Unaware of this, Betsy boards the ship to look for her father. whom spies capture before cutting the ship loose. It drifts out to sea with the two socialites each unaware of there being anyone else on board!

“Keaton’s master coup is in seizing Murnau’s haunted ship as a gargantuan comic prop for a pair of stranded nitwits, who don’t know what to do with it.” – Fernando F. Croce, CinePassion

“One of Buster Keaton’s best, which is to say comedy classic.” – Steve Crum, Video-Reviewmaster.com

“One of the great slapstick comedies from silent comic Buster Keaton.” – Dennis Schwartz, Ozus’ World Movie Reviews

“A text-book example on how to execute slapstick and sight gags. I would say that this film, even more so than THE GENERAL, is a perfect introduction to the films of Buster Keaton.” – Austin Kennedy, Film Geek Central

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SHERLOCK JR:  Buster plays a movie projectionist who daydreams himself into the movies he is showing and merges with the figures and the backgrounds on the screen. While dreaming he is Conan Doyle’s master detective, he snoops out brilliant discoveries.

“Keaton’s appreciation of the formal paradoxes of the medium is astounding; his observations on the relationship between film and the subconscious are groundbreaking and profound. And it’s a laugh riot, too.” – Dave Kehr, Chicago Reader

“Keaton’s third feature under his own steam is an incredible technical accomplishment, but also an almost Pirandellian exploration of the nature of cinematic reality.” – Tom Milne, Time Out

“The unexpected, fantastic dream situations lend themselves to some remarkable trick effects, including one in which Buster walks right out of an audience and into a picture on the screen.” – TIME Magazine

Buster Keaton’s masterpiece and one of the greatest silent-era comedies-a clockwork marvel of visual invention and meta-cinematic reflection.” – James Kendrick, Q Network Film Desk

Sherlock Jr. is a remarkable film, which captures the medium of cinema in unique and passionate ways, while maintaining a truth in its characters.” – Amanda Mazzillo, Film Inquiry

“One of Buster Keaton’s finest comedies, certainly his most inventive and technically audacious.” – Adrian Turner, Radio Times

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The Guild Cinema is located at 3450 Central Avenue NE, in the Nob Hill area.

Website: GuildCinema.com