Programming: A Social Gathering
After 17 Months, the ABQ SF Society returns to meeting in person! Since it’s been awhile, this August 2021 meeting is a SOCIAL GATHERING, and we can spill out into the church’s enclosed courtyard to help with social distancing… People are invited to bring card and board games to be played (in 90 minutes or less), and ASFS will provide some cold bottled waters. We also may be able to preview Virtual Bubonicon 52’s two-day schedule…
Facial masks are required and appreciated while indoors!
Meeting ends promptly at 9:45 pm (because of Aliens at the Guild Cinema), and Dues Will Be Collected…
Remember, no outside food is allowed at St. Andrew. Please be discreet with any candy. Water/soda bottles and lidded beverage cups are permitted (until we have a clean-up issue), and there is a water fountain in our meeting space.
Newcomers are welcome with a $1.00 contribution to help pay our rent…
DOORS OPEN AT 7:15 PM. Please do not arrive before this time. We have to set up the room ourselves, and straighten/clean-up at the end. Enter through North Door (backside of church).
Meeting Location:
ACTIVITY ROOM (west end of building, use North Door)
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
5301 Ponderosa Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM
(First street north of Erna Ferguson Library on San Mateo. Ponderosa is the northern border of Montgomery Park, and intersects with both San Mateo and San Pedro. The street is north of Comanche and south of Montgomery.) Courtyard is locked at 5:00 pm each day, so enter through North Door on backside of church.
Club Contacts:
Craig C/Jessica C. at 266-8905 or cwcraig