6th Con-Jikan (Anime/Gaming)

Event Details

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The 6th annual Con-Jikan is November 17-18, 2018, at the Ramada Midtown Hotel, 2020 Menaul Blvd NE (formerly the MCM Elegante).  Announced Guests include voice-over artists Michelle Knotz & James Carter Cathcart, cosplay talents CheeseCakePanda & Leah Stevo, and podcast host Dawn (Usamimi).  This anime & gaming convention features an exhibitors hall, an artist alley, a masquerade/cosplay contest, video games, board games, anime screenings, a Cosplay Cafe and Cosplay Chess, panel discussions, karaoke, a dance and more.

Hours are 10:00 am-11:45 pm Saturday, November 17, and 10:00 am-6:00 pm Sunday.

A weekend pass is $40.00 at the door (dailies available – Saturday is $30.00).

More info:  www.con-jikan.com