43rd Williamson Lectureship

Event Details

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Event takes place at Eastern NM University in Portales, NM.  Special Guest is Alex Rivera, a digital media artist and filmmaker who tells new, urgent and visually adventurous Latino stories.  He is joined by Mistress of Ceremonies Connie Willis of Colorado. Also expected to attend are Courtney Willis, Cordelia Willis, Darynda Jones, Emily Mah, Joan S. Saberhagen, Lauren C. Teffeau, Sarena Ulibarri, Walter Jon Williams, and other NM authors.

Festivities Friday, April 5, include an address by Rivera 10:00-11:20 am, a ticketed luncheon at 11:45 am, a tour of the newly renovated Williamson Special Collections at 1:00 pm, an “ice cream break,” and panel discussions 3:00-6:15 pm in the Golden Student Success Center and Library.

* APRIL 5 LUNCHEON: 11:45 am in the Campus Union Ballroom (2nd floor) at ENMU. Cost is $10.00, payable at the door. Reservations are required by Monday, April 1! Please call Patrice Caldwell at 505-562-2315 or email her at Planning.Analysis@enmu.edu.  Books will be available for purchase, and most participants will autograph items at this time.

At 5:00 pm Thursday, April 4, Rivera’s Sleep Dealer will be shown at ENMU’s University Theatre Center.  It’s also probable that Cordelia Willis will give another forensic science talk in the afternoon.

And 10:00 am-12 Noon Saturday, April 6, it’s possible (but needs to be confirmed) that Connie Willis will give a talk to college students on writing, while the Film Department might be having a short film screening.  Details to be announced.

More info is available at www.facebook.com/WilliamsonLectureship/ and also at www.enmu/edu/academics/colleges-departments…/.