20th Annual 24-Hour Comics Day (Noon to Noon)

Event Details

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24-Hour Comics Day is an annual international celebration of creativity!  It’s the 20th Anniversary for the global celebration of creativity that is 24-Hour Comics Day!  The challenge is to create a complete 24-page comic book in 24 consecutive hours.  It’s a creative exercise that tests your stamina while you explore what you’re capable of! Free, all-ages event!

This free, all-ages event will run online 12 noon MT Saturday, October 7, to 12 noon Sunday, October 8, at the International District Branch Library, 7601 Central Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 – and on Zoom.
Pre-registration is required through Eventbrite which will allow you to join us either In-Person if you CLICK HERE, or through Zoom if you CLICK HERE.

We’ve partnered with the City of Albuquerque to get your creative juices flowing.  The Main Event will provide inspiration, community, free raffles every two hours, visits with the 24 Hour Comic makers of Muhos, Finland, and occasional in-progress images sent in by you, the participants. There will be a community meal for anyone who wants to take a break in the New Mexico evening and chat a bit, and for those still hanging on in the morning there will be a BYO Breakfast Burrito.

Please note:
– You do not need to stay the entire time.
– Visitors are welcome.
– Be inspired and meet fellow creators!
– Have conversations when you want, work when you want.
– We will need a parent or guardian’s consent for minors.


* Saturday-Sunday, October 7-8, Noon to Noon, International District Branch Library
* Register in advance! Minors require adult signature.
* What to bring: Art supplies, pillow, headphones, emergency rations…
* Food and Drinks, Coffee and Snacks.
* Free Prizes! Comics and stuff.
* This is a FREE, All-Ages Event!

Library Location – The International District Branch Library is located at 7601 Central Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108. They are open 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM the day that we begin. We’ll let you know how to join us if you arrive after 6:00 PM. You will be allowed to use library materials throughout the event. Please be respectful of the library’s generosity in the use of the space and materials.

Comfort and Health – Be prepared! Stay healthy! You’re welcome to bring anything that will keep you comfortable through the time — pillows, blankets, snacks, drinks, computer, iPod, etc. There will be places to take a nap.

Materials – Bring whatever materials you’ll need. Paper, pencils, pens, brushes, ink, crayons, rulers, scissors, glue. If you bring something with fumes, like oil paint, you’ll likely be asked to work outside. We will provide some very basic materials. If you need something you don’t have, feel free to ask us or ask around the room. Everyone is friendly and as far as we know no one bites.

Music – We will have one stereo in the room. Anyone is welcome to take a turn at DJing. If you want to listen to something different than what’s playing, you’ll need to bring headphones.

Food and Drinks – We will supply some food and drinks. We’re still working on it, but there will definitely be coffee and tea, and we’ll have some water, snacks and probably pizza for dinner.

Transportation – If you’d like to carpool, whether you want to drive or ride, let us know and we’ll see if we can hook you up. It can be a good idea to have someone arranged to drive you home. If you’re driving yourself home, please make sure you’re okay to drive. We’ll be glad to help you out however we can to keep you from falling asleep at the wheel.

Free Prizes! – Although 24 Hour Comics Day isn’t a contest, you deserve to be rewarded for your efforts. We’ll have some free prizes we’ll be raffling off every two hours throughout the event. Everyone is entered in the raffle for free.

Blog! – We’ll have occasional blog posts throughout the event so that friends, family, and other 24 HCD adventurers and enthusiasts around the globe can follow the goings-on.

In-Process Images – In between other things, we’ll try to show a loop of images shared by you, the participants, of the work you’re doing. Send in anything you’d like to share, and we’ll add it to the loop throughout the evening and morning. And, with your permission, it will be included in the loop of 24 Hour Comic Art that will be run continuously on the giant 9-panel monitor at the International District Branch Library through the month of October.

When You Finish… – Don’t go away without telling us! Show us what you’ve done! And after you’ve slept, show the world by sending it to the official archives of the 24 Hour Comics Day Collection at The Ohio State University Cartoon Research Library. Submission is not mandatory and will not affect copyright ownership, which belongs to you, the creator. They are at:

The Ohio State University Cartoon Research Library 27 West 17th Ave. Mall, Columbus, OH 43210-1393

24 Hour Comics Day is brought to you by international organizers ComicsPRO, and local organizers 7000 BC in partnership with the City of Albuquerque.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email Jeff at jeff@7000bc.org or Bram at info@7000bc.org .