ABQ SF Society

Event Details

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Programming – Author Lynn Barker talks about her career in Hollywood and the short novel she co-wrote with D.C. Fontana!

Club Meeting starts at 7:30 pm, and ends about 9:50 pm…
♣ Albuquerque author Lynn Barker visits to discuss her work in Hollywood as a screenwriter and screenplay consultant, plus Futurus Rex – a SF/Fantasy adventure co-written with the late Dorothy (D.C.) Fontana.

Barker is a novelist, screenwriter, journalist, script doctor, and screenplay consultant. Her writing credits include scripts for the 1980s reboot of The Twilight Zone, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Space Academy, as well as articles in American Cinematographer and Written By, the magazine of the Writers Guild of America West. Her latest work is Futurus Rex, co-authored with the late D.C. Fontana.

Futurus Rex storyline:  “There is a legend that King Arthur is not dead but only sleeping. He will awaken when Britain most needs him to lead a rebellion. Arthur wakes in a far future post-holocaust time, and the only one of his beloved knights to survive the long sleep with him is his nephew the traitorous Mordred.”

We are strongly encouraging the wearing of facial masks while inside the building since COVID has not gone completely away.

We will be in the Activity Room toward the back (north) end of the church.  Park in the back parking lot, and then enter through the North Door.

Newcomers are welcome with a $1.00 contribution to help pay our rent…

Remember, no outside food is allowed at St. Andrew.  Please be discreet with any candy.  Water/soda bottles and lidded beverage cups are permitted.

DOORS OPEN AT 7:15 PM.  Enter through the NORTH door of church and go to the Activity Room!  Please do not arrive before 7:15 pm.  We have to set up the room ourselves, and straighten/clean-up around 9:50 pm.

Click for a Map in PDF
Click for PDF version.

Meeting Location:

ACTIVITY ROOM (North end of building, enter through door “back” of church)
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
5301 Ponderosa Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM

(First street north of Erna Ferguson Library on San Mateo. Ponderosa is the northern border of Montgomery Park, and intersects with both San Mateo and San Pedro. The street is north of Comanche and south of Montgomery)

Club Contacts:

Craig C/Jesica C. at 266-8905 or Craig

About ASFS