Jeffe Kennedy & Minerva Spencer signing

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New Mexico authors Jeffe Kennedy & Minerva Spencer will be celebrating the release of their latest books, Prisoner of the Crown: Chronicles of Dasnaria Book 1 and Dangerous: Outcasts Book 1, respectively, with a chat and signing Sunday, July 8!

In Kennedy’s first Dasnaria fantasy, “In icy Dasnaria, rival realm to the Twelve Kingdoms, a woman’s role is to give pleasure, produce heirs, and question nothing. But a plot to overthrow the emperor depends on the fate of his eldest daughter. And the treachery at its heart will change more than one carefully limited life . . . Princess Jenna has been raised in supreme luxury—and ignorance. Within the sweet-scented, golden confines of the palace seraglio, she’s never seen the sun, or a man, or even learned her numbers. But she’s been schooled enough in the paths to a woman’s power. When her betrothal is announced, she’s ready to begin the machinations that her mother promises will take Jenna from ornament to queen.  But the man named as Jenna’s husband is no innocent to be cozened or prince to charm. He’s a monster in human form, and the horrors of life under his thumb are clear within moments of her wedding vows. If Jenna is to live, she must somehow break free—and for one born to a soft prison, the way to cold, hard freedom will be a dangerous path indeed…”

And in Spencer’s first romance novel, “What sort of lady doesn’t make her debut until the age of thirty-two? A timeless beauty with a mysterious past—and a future she intends to take into her own hands . . .  Lady Euphemia Marlington hasn’t been free in seventeen years—since she was captured by Corsairs and sold into a harem. Now the sultan is dead and Mia is back in London facing relentless newspapermen, an insatiably curious public, and her first Season. Worst of all is her ashamed father’s ultimatum: marry a man of his choosing or live out her life in seclusion. No doubt her potential groom is a demented octogenarian. Fortunately, Mia is no longer a girl, but a clever woman with a secret—and a plan of her own . . .”

Kennedy is an award-winning author whose works include novels, non-fiction, poetry, and short fiction. Her award-winning fantasy romance trilogy The Twelve Kingdoms hit the shelves starting in May 2014. The Pages of the Mind, the first book of the Uncharted Realms series, won the RITA Award for Paranormal Romance in July 2017. She lives in Santa Fe.

Spencer was born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. She has lived in Canada, the US, Europe, Africa, and Mexico. After receiving her M.A. in Latin American History from The University of Houston she taught American History for five years before going to law school. She was a prosecutor and labor lawyer before purchasing a bed and breakfast in Taos, NM, where she lives with her husband and dozens of rescue animals.

Come join Kennedy and Spencer 3:00 pm Sunday, July 8, at Page One Books, 5850 Eubank Blvd NE #B-41 in the Mountain Run Shopping Center (southeast corner of Eubank & Juan Tabo).

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