24-Hour Comic Book Day (Virtual)

Event Details

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7000 BC Presents 24-Hour Comic Book Day Noon-Noon October 2-3

What is 24-Hour Comics Day?  24 hours.  1440 minutes. 86,400 seconds.  Be a part of 24-Hour Comic Book Day 2021 VIRTUAL!

This year, 7000 BC has partnered with Abq ZineFest, AIGA-NM, and Sequential Artists Workshop in Gainesville, Florida to create Makers Weekend 2021!

This year’s events feature comic and zine readings, live music, a comics workshop, raffles, zinesters, groggy cartoonists, 24 Hour Comics Day 2021, Abq Zinefest 10, and more! Check out all the events below!

BETWEEN THE PANELS – Picturing Words in Drawings (Text and Image Interacting)

Saturday, October 2 — 11:00 AM-12:30 PM MST
It’s a new type of comic once you let the letters in.    7000 BC’s weekly comics workshop series will feature guest instructor Bram Meehan, covering essential skills and inspiration to take your 24 Hour Comic to the next level! Register for the Pay-What-You-Can workshop HERE.


Saturday, October 2 — 11:00 AM-6:00 PM MST
ABQ Zine Fest is back! Sorta.  This year’s fest will be virtual PLUS a pop-up shop in downtown Albuquerque for locals to buy zines and zine fest merch. Learn more about Abq ZineFest HERE.


Saturday, October 2-Sunday, October 4 — Noon To Noon MST
24 Hour Comics Day is a FREE, ALL-AGES EVENT
Take the challenge to make a 24-page comic in 24 hours! We’ll have music, videos, free raffles, a rotating cycle of in-progress images, and a community dinner break hosted by 7000 BC, SAW, AIGA-NM, and Abq Zine Fest. You are not required to participate the entire time.

You must register through Eventbrite for 24 Hour Comics Day! Minors will require a parent or guardian’s consent at the time they register.    You do not need to register if you’re visiting through Discord. For the Discord link, click HERE.

To get email updates or if you know anyone who would like to participate, please share THIS LINK.


Officially, the challenge states that 1 person must complete a full 24 page story in 24 hours. No pre-planning, no conceptualizing. You make it all up on the spot. There is also a digital version of 24 Hour Comics Day if you want to do it as an online comic. The rule for this is that you must complete 100 panels and post them within the 24 hours. Any size, format, and subject is acceptable.
The official rules also state that you do not need to follow the official rules. There is even something called the Noble Failure Variant.

For more information and the history of 24 Hour Comics Day, visit the official 24 HCD HOME.

Unofficially, we encourage you to take on the challenge however you see fit. Collaborate with your friends, get going on that comic you’ve started but never returned to, plan to do only part of the full 24 hours — as long as it’s in keeping with the spirit of the event, there’s no wrong way to participate.


What to Prepare
Comfort and Health – Since we’re virtual, you can always run to the store – but why waste valuable time? And should you really be cruising the streets at 4 AM in pursuit of the wily coffee bean? Build your nest, hunker down and stay comfortable — pillows, blankets, snacks, drinks, computer, iPod, all the comforts at home while you’re at home… but not too comfortable. You’ll want a reason to get up and move around once in a while to keep your brain and body active. If you do need to sleep, no one will be judging you. Be prepared! Stay healthy!