LANL Virtual Talk on Mars Rover

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Virtual Frontiers in Space: “NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover” on October 7!

Los Alamos National Laboratory presents the first virtual Frontiers in Space Talk 6:00 pm Wednesday, October 7.  Nina Lanza of LANL will give a presentation on The NASA Perseverance Mars Rover: Looking for Signs of Past Life and taking questions during this free public talk.

The Talk is described as such: “Mars has long held a special place in the human imagination as a sci-fi world inhabited by Martians. The real Mars is very different from what we imagined but our observations suggest that life could have existed there in the distant past.  The Perseverance rover carries the tools to search for signs of past microbial life and will also gather samples for a future return mission from Mars to Earth for the very first time.”

Join Los Alamos scientist Nina Lanza as she shares the excitement of this next mission to the Red Planet, and the contributions of Los Alamos scientists and engineers.”

Please join Lanza 6:00 pm Wednesday, October 7.  Admission is Free!
As capacity is limited to 1,000 attendees, advance online registration is required at

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