“The Thing” @ Guild Cinema

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The Thing – John Carpenter’s 1982 frozen classic – at the Guild Cinema
Saturday, February 29 – 10:30 pm only

Directed by John Carpenter – 1982 – 109m. A DARK ROOM HORROR Special!
All seats $10.00.  Door Prizes courtesy of Bubonicon 52!


Director John Carpenter and special makeup effects master Rob Bottin teamed up for this 1982 remake of the 1951 science fiction classic The Thing from Another World, and the result is a highly effective terror and spine-tingling suspense,plus a showcase for some of the goriest and most horrifically grotesque makeup effects ever created for a movie. With such highlights as a dog that splits open and blossoms into something indescribably gruesome, this is the kind of movie for die-hard horror fans.  It all begins when scientists at an arctic research station discover an alien spacecraft under the thick ice, and thaw out the alien body found aboard. What they don’t know is that the alien can assume any human form, and before long the scientists can’t tell who’s real and who’s a deadly alien threat. Kurt Russell leads the battle against the terrifying intruder, and the supporting cast includes Richard Masur, Richard Dysart, Donald Moffat, and Wilford Brimley.

“Feels like a perfect movie. An embarrassment of riches all concentrated in a single feature film that stands the test of time in a way that few stories do.” – Ed Travis, Cinapse

“With its groundbreaking visual effects, terrific ensemble, and haunted-house atmosphere, is now rightfully regarded as an all-time horror classic.” – Kirk Baird, Toledo Blade

“What really is there left to say about John Carpenter’s The Thing? A true genre classic from 1982, the film is an all-time favourite of many and often cited as a sci-fi horror masterclass.” – Andrew Pollard, Starburst

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The Guild Cinema is located at 3405 Central Ave NE in the Nob Hill area.

Website: GuildCinema.com